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10 weeks to change your life

How much time and energy are you willing to invest in creating a different, richer and more fulfilling reality for yourself?

This "multidimensional" journey will begin with Pluto and end with the Sun. We will use astrology as a base from which to move but rather than "understanding" the 10 planetary essences with the mind, we will experience them by "feeling" and "practicing."


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This course is NOT for you if....


- you find it impossible to find the time to devote to your personal growth

- making a change in your life is not a priority

- you feel the burden of having paperwork to do between meetings

- you think questioning yourself and stepping out of your comfort zone is stretching too far

- the thought of sharing your inner processes with a group scares you


This course IS FOR YOU if.....

- you are tired of repeating the same old patterns and want to get out of the "hamster wheel"

- you feel like devoting time and energy to improving your life

- you feel you've been marching in place for a while and want to find your direction again

- you want to experience yourself sharing a path with like-minded souls, to know that you are not alone in your struggle and suffering

- you feel ready for a big change but don't know where it starts

- you feel ready for a big change but don't know where to start- you feel ready for a big change but don't know where to start
- you still feel managed by the past or your limiting beliefs
- you really believe that there is a new cycle of joy and satisfaction for you just waiting to be discovered

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